Thursday, June 10, 2010

joe labi is obesity!

hey labi Labi, ok Labi mmg seorg obesity.
terbaca post dari blog Mask2face, tentang kawan dia yg obese seperti Joe Labi.
Nak cerita jugalah kan achievement Joe Labi. Joe Labi berjaya kurangkan 6kg in 2 weeks!
ok Joe Labi says it again, 6 KILOGRAMS IN 2 WEEKS!. Joe Labi seorang rockstar so joe labi xkan tipu. Just her friend ate 2 spoon of rice, but Joe labi dont eat a spoon pon ponnn. So means that in a month Joe Labi loss more than 12 kg. The Biggest Loser pon x power cam Joe Labi. Ececeh tu lah achievement Joe Labi, after ketakutan kerana blood pressure Joe Labi dah lebih 10 daripa normal pressure

Joe Labi bersama sahabat, malu perut, duduk belakang

in the next one month